20 Mar

Popularity Of Sri Lanka Beaches

The beaches of Sri Lanka play an important role ofthe tourism industry in the island. With over 1600 kilometers ofbeaches that surround the island, these locations serve as frequentlyvisited sites by local and foreign travellers alike. Owing to theiramazing beauty and pristine quality, these beaches are known aroundthe world as some of the most exquisite holiday destinations tovisit.

The fact that these locations that include siteslike Kalkudah Beach, Weligama Beach and Galle are also great placesto enjoy water sports make them even more popular and attract allsorts of holiday travellers all throughout the year. TripSriLanka.cothe local travel agency in Sri Lanka, arranges Sri Lanka holidays tobeaches, If you are looking for the best Sri Lanka travel, contactTripSriLanka.co today for the best holiday deals.

Most Famous Sri Lanka Beaches

Kalkudah Beach

With the end of the civil war that plagued thenations for decades, the north and east parts of Sri Lanka once againopened up for travellers to enjoy. Since these regions are also lesspopulated the beaches like Kalkudah Beach have managed to maintaintheir natural beauty in the best possible way.

This location is well known for providing touristsa very relaxing time. Since the ocean waves are quite calm this areais a great place to enjoy a refreshing sea bath. Especially aroundSeptember, this beach becomes ideal for water sports like surfingthat give visitors all the more reasons to travel to the area. Do youlike to spend more time in Kalkudah beach with water sports, consultTripSriLanka.co today to get the bestbeach holiday deals.

Weligama Beach

The name of this location translates to ‘SandyVillage’ that explains very well what Weligama Beach is truly like.Unlike other beaches of the southern coast that are crowdedthroughout most of the year, this beach manages to escape from allthe hustle and bustle. This site serves as a great place to enjoy aquiet and relaxing holiday that is guaranteed to make you feelrejuvenated from the calming experience. It is also a great place tocatch a glimpse of age-old tradition of stilt fishing as well.

Galle Beach

Galle is by far one of the most popular coastalcities of the island. There are so many reasons why you should travelto this amazing site. For one, the magnificent Dutch fortificationslocated in the area have allowed this extremely popular city to gainrecognition as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The entirefortifications allow visitors to walk along the coast to enjoy theamazing view of the Indian Ocean.

Also the beaches are well known to be greatlocations to engage in fun filled water sports every vacationer canenjoy. TripSriLanka.co arranges the best holidays to Sri Lankabeaches, including Galle beach and other above mentioned best beachsof the Island, if you are big fan of beaches and beach activities,call TripSriLanka.co today on +94 77 350 7005.

Article by Greg


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